5 No-Excuse Exercises

Say no to excuses this holiday season with 5 simple exercises

Busy work schedule or vacation mode? You can’t give any excuses when it comes to keeping fit during the holiday season. This Christmas or New Year, indulge and keep yourself fit with these 5 simple no-excuse exercises, as easy as it is to take Fitness Standard's™ Instantized Whey Protein Concentrate, with easy solubility and quick absorption. So, try these exercises pretty much anywhere - in your bedroom, garden, or the hotel room since they require little to no equipment. Now bottle your excuses, it’s time to break a sweat!

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Exercise 1: Planks

Planks are a great way to begin your workout routine and tighten your abs, back, thigh and butt. To start, lie down on your mat. Keep your elbows on the floor, keeping your shoulders firm. Engage your core muscles and lift your torso to form a straight line with your body. Your butt should not be above the shoulder or hips. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Do 5-10 reps every day.

Exercise 2: Mountain Climbers

Get rid of calories with mountain climbers as the upper body works simultaneously with the lower body. Get into the push-up position. Slowly lift your right knee toward your left arm and then back to the starting push up position. Repeat with your left knee. Do it at a good pace. Perform 50 reps 3 times to start. You can increase the reps with time.

Exercise 3: Burpees

Burpees are one of the most high-intensity exercises. It is referred to as the cornerstone of any workout. To start with a burpee, stand straight, then squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick both feet out behind to form a pushup position, and then do one pushup. After a pushup, bring your legs forward, go into a squat position and jump up. If you are a beginner, perform 10 reps twice.

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Exercise 4: Squats

Squats are one of the most effective full-body exercises. They work on building muscle while burning fat. Stand with feet a little wider than hip-width. Bend at the knees and keep your arms straight. Ensure your heels and toes are on the ground, chest up and shoulders back.

Exercise 5: Bent-knee crunches

Bent-knee crunches strengthen the abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Put your hands behind the head. Now curl your torso and try to touch your left knee with the right elbow. Hold for a count of three and go back to the starting position. Repeat the same with your right knee and left elbow. Perform 10 to 12 reps and two to three sets to start.


The above exercises require very little room and no equipment. If your hotel doesn’t have a gym or the cold is stopping you from going on a run, you can try these out instead. The number of repetitions for each exercise depends on your goal. To see the best results, add Fitness Standard’s™ premium-quality WPC to your diet to ensure that you’re able to build muscle mass effectively. With 24 grams of protein per serving, it’s beneficial for everyone, from people new to working out to experienced bodybuilders. So say no to excuses this season and get your fitness game on!